Celebrating 67 years of ‘The Million Dollar Quartet’ — an iconic moment in rock ‘n’ roll history

December 4, 2023By Marjorie Rogers

This year marks the 67th anniversary of a rare, charming and entirely spontaneous collaboration of rock ‘n’ roll legends. On December 4, 1956, four rock icons came together by chance in a little brick building in Memphis, Tennessee for a jam session. Later coined the ‘Million Dollar Quartet,’ this ensemble featured the musical talents of … Read More

What’s the story with ‘Alice’s Restaurant?’

November 21, 2023By Marjorie Rogers

What’s the story with ‘Alice’s Restaurant? “You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant–” goes the old, familiar chorus sung in homes on Thanksgiving every year. Folk singer Arlo Guthrie released ‘Alice’s Restaurant Massacree’ in 1967, and it has become a staple of Thanksgiving for many blues fans ever since— but how did this … Read More

Did Merl Saunders Shape the Grateful Dead’s Sound with Jazz?

November 17, 2023By Marjorie Rogers

As one of the greatest rock ’n’ roll bands of all time, Grateful Dead, who gained popularity in San Francisco during the 1960s and 1970s, quickly became synonymous with the hippie movement and demonstrated how the counterculture of the civil rights era drew inspiration from Black art, and challenged the segregationist norms of the era. … Read More